1.a magical solution to a problem, e.g. a cure for cancer
1.Louis Post-Dispatch article said of the Roundup Ready system, "this silver bullet of American agriculture is beginning to miss its mark. "
2.NOTHING I'm about to tell you is a silver bullet or a simple recipe. You still need to do all the heavy lifting.
3.So far the silver bullet is still missing, but it is likely that several sources of finance will have to be tapped .
4.It has become a very complex web, as you say, and I think it is going to be impossible to find one silver bullet or a single explanation.
5.During the late '90s, XML had become the new silver bullet of the computing industry: Almost by definition, if it was XML, it was good.
6.Now I know why at least some familiarity with each of these languages is important; because there is no silver bullet.
7.The only thing that stops were wolves is a silver bullet to the heart. There is NO CURE.
8.The release unit is not a silver bullet, simply an organizational mechanism to help understand where things are being done.
9.He said there is no "silver bullet" that will undo the damage caused by the recession.
10.There is no silver bullet with which to make your requirements errors go away.